
Your morning cup of joe with Pastor Joe: August 31st, 2018

Your morning cup of joe with Pastor Joe: August 31st, 2018

Join Pastor Joe each morning for a time of devotions. Today we continue week two in the New Testament book of Ephesians. We are looking at Paul's prayer for the Ephesians in Ephesians 1:15-23. Today, in verses 20b-21 we see that Jesus has been exalted far above all others and given the name which is above all other names. So, grab a cup of coffee and your Bible and let's dig in.

Your morning cup of joe with Pastor Joe: August 22nd, 2018

Your morning cup of joe with Pastor Joe: August 22nd, 2018

Join Pastor Joe each morning for a time of devotions. Take the thirty day challenge of joining us each morning for thirty days of devotions and see how it changes you and your life. This morning in our devotions in Ephesians we look at verses 7-8. So, grab a cup of coffee and your Bible and let's dig in.