BELIEVE: week thirteen: Bible Study

“The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

A surgeon determines that you need surgery by evaluating your symptoms. He may treat your symptoms, but this only masks them. When the medicine wears off, your symptoms return. The illness is caused by a deeper problem. Until the root problem is cut out, the symptoms will not disappear.

The writer of Hebrews says living the Christian life without consistently reading the Bible is like treating symptoms of a disease instead of removing the actual cause. Symptoms like anger, bitterness, depression, or hatred are indications of a deeper problem and can be masked for a time, but they always return.

Studying God’s Word is like being under the skilled scalpel of a surgeon. During this surgery, however, you’re awake, peering over your draped body in a mirror. Now you see the deeper problems—insecurity, doubt, and sin.

Engaging in surgery by Scripture daily will bring healing and comfort for deep wounds, reinforce beliefs where doubt has crept in, and lead you in practices that will strengthen your faith.

The very best surgeon in the universe is available to you. Put your trust in the Great Physician!

“I study the Bible to know God and his truth and to find direction for my daily life.”

[Excerpt from Believe: 31-day Devotional by Randy & Roxanne Frazee]